
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

¡Book Fiesta!

Check out the new link under the links section to learn about my favorite children's book author Pat Mora. Click on the link titled "Book Fiesta by Pat Mora" or view the information below.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

6th Grade Teaches Kindergarten

Click on the 6-8 tab to look at pictures from our day when 6th grade taught Kindergarten the Spanish alphabet!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Overview of the Year So Far

We have some very exciting projects going on in our Spanish classes! Our 3rd Grade and 8th Grade classes have ePals in Spain. The 8th grade class has already sent their first e-mail, and we are waiting for a response. The 3rd grade classes have written TWO e-mails and one postcard! They have received postcards from their ePals as well. This is such an exciting time in our Spanish classes. I am working on getting ePals for other grades as well.

Our Spanish Club is also working on some special projects. We did OUTSTANDING selling pulseras, or in English bracelets, made by children in an orphanage in Nigaragua. The proceeds from the sale go to help fund education to these children. The bracelets are $5 and come with a name and picture of the child who made it. The founders of the organization were so impressed with our efforts! We raised $1,890 which was one of the most successful sales they have ever seen in over 260 schools. The money we raised has allowed one of the students in Nicaragua to attend college for a full four years! For more information on this project check out

Also, our 7th grade students were on the news this year. KTVE (Channel 10) did a story on technology in education and came to film our 7th graders working on a weather forecast on Prezi.

Don't forget to practice Spanish at and play games at! Remember for gameguroo you must register, write down your username and password and type in the access code that is located at bottom of page!

Hola y Adios (Hello & Goodbye)
Los Colores (Colors)
Los numeros (Numbers)
Mi cuerpo (The Body)
En la granja (On the farm)
Las Formas (Shapes)
Cosas grandes y chiquitas (Large and Small things)
El Alfabeto (Alphabet)
Familia (Family)
1st Grade
Meses (Months)
Dias de la Semana (Days of the Week)
El alfabeto (Alphabet)
Las formas (Shapes)
En mi mochila (In my backpack)
En la granja (animales y numeros) (On the farm)
Las frutas (Fruit)
Me gusta/No me gusta (I like/I don't like)
En la universidad (In the University)
2nd Grade
El Alfabeto (Alphabet)
Meses (Months)
Dias de la semana (Days of the Week)
Las formas (Shapes)
En la clase (In the class)
En el zoologico (At the zoo)
En la casa (In the house)
Las frutas y verduras (Fruits and Vegetables)
Me gusta/No me gusta (I like/I don't like)
3rd Grade
Alfabeto, Meses, Dias de la Semana (Alphabet, months, days of the week)
Emociones (Emotions)
En la clase (In the cass)
En el campo (In the countryside)
En mi comunidad (In my community)
La comida: frutas, verduras, bebidas (Food: fruits, vegetables, drinks)
En el restaurante (la mesa, ordering) (In the restaurant)
4th Grade
Alfabeto, meses, dias de la semana (Alphabet, months, days of the week)
Emociones (Emotions)
En la clase (In the class)
En el jardin/patio (In the backyard)
Tener expressions
La comida (Me gusta/No megusta) (Food, likes and dislikes)
En el restaurante (In the restaurant)
5th Grade
Alfabeto, meses, dias de la semana (Alphabet, months, days of the week)
En la clase (In the class)
El tiempo (Weather)
Ir de vacaciones (Vacation)
La comida:desayuno, almuerzo, cena (Food: breakfast, lunch and dinner)
En el restaurante (In the restaurant)